A medical procedure involves using concentrated light in intense beams that result in a laser. Lasers have become a modern-day tool in the medical field in recent years due to the precision they provide and the fast recovery after their use.
By concentrating on a tiny area and causing less damage to the surrounding tissue, lasers enable surgeons to work with extreme precision. Compared to conventional surgery, laser therapy may reduce discomfort, bruising, and scars. Laser therapy, however, can require
UV radiation exposure over time impacts your skin and can lead to pigmentary changes on the skin's surface. Freckles or sun spots are possible outcomes. Birthmarks or nevi, which are pigmentary alterations to the skin, affect some skin types. Laser treatment can safely and efficiently cure your pigmented lesion, producing an even and uniform skin tone, regardless of the pigmentary disease.
Angiomas, spider veins, big leg veins, and a wide variety of other visible blood vessels can be safely treated with laser. Over the course of many weeks we deliver laser energy into your veins which cause the blood within them to coagulate and eliminate the ruptured vessel, leaving your skin appearing young and refreshed. No matter which body part is affected, laser treatment can remove any undesirable veins in a secure and efficient manner.
Both teenagers and adults commonly suffer from acne caused by the p. acnes bacteria obstructing sebaceous glands. If left untreated, this results in skin imperfections and may leave scars. Patients could only be treated with topical or oral drugs up until recently. With Laser treatment, we can see substantial improvement in acne and acne scars treatment. The laser's beam effectively eliminates the p. acne bacteria while repairing skin damage by regenerating collagen. The end outcome is a significant clearing of both visible acne scars and active acne.
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Email: contactus@oakviewmed.com
Address: 11 Five Forks Plaza Ct, Suite A,
Simpsonville, South Carolina 29681